British Showjumping Senior Show Sunday 12th January

12 Jan 08:00-18:00

Baileys Championship Arena

Category British Showjumping


Entries for our 2 day British Showjumping show are now open. Running on Saturday the 11th and Sunday the 12th of January 2025! Kindly sponsored by Baileys Horse Feeds and supported by cocoequestrian and Best Animal Bedding

Saturday 11th
Class 0. Clear Round
Calss 1: Pony Intro 70cm
Class 2. Pikeur Pony Winter Novice Championship Qualifier
Class 3. Pony Discovery / 90cm Open
Class 4. Blue Chip Pony Newcomers / 100cm Open
Class 5. Bliss Of London Pony Sapphire Winter Championship Qualifier
Class 6. STX-UK Pony Foxhunter / 110cm Open
Class 7. Members Cup - First Round
Class 8. Blue Chip Pro Sparkle JC/JA Championship Qualifer
Class 9. Children On Horses

Sunday 12th
Class 0. Clear Round
Class 1. Senior British Novice / 90cm Open
Class 2. Senior Discovery / 100cm Open
Class 3. Joshua Jones UK Winter Discovery Championship Qualifier
Class 4. Senior Newcomers / 110cm Open
Class 5. Members Cup - First Round
Class 6. Senior Foxhunter / 120cm Open
Class 7. National 130cm Open

Online entries via Arena EQ:

Pre-entries only. Entries close on the Thursday before at 12 noon if not full before.

The Whitesparke Cafe will also be open - Serving delicious bacon rolls, toasted sandwiches, burgers and chips. Along with a good selection of snacks and drinks.

Melody Fisher Photography will be onsite taking super pictures!


Frenches Farm

Last Seen: 18 Hours ago

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Baileys Horse Feeds
Baileys Horse Feeds